CDC Recommends Shorter COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Time for Employees

Thursday, January 6, 2022
Michael Bivona
female employees back to work with masks on

As the Omicron variant surges throughout the country, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has updated their guidance regarding COVID-19 isolation and quarantine. Attempting to balance the safety of the workforce nationwide and the need for businesses to remain open at this critical point of the pandemic, the CDC has crafted a middle ground in its latest official Media Statement:



- All individuals with a confirmed COVID-19 infection should isolate for 5 days (down from 10 expressed earlier in the pandemic) and, once symptoms subside, they should wear a mask around others for 5 days (including in the workplace).



- Quarantine guidelines are now based upon the vaccination status of the individual. In either case, individuals should get a COVID-19 test at the end of the quarantine period to determine if additional steps need to be taken:


  -Individuals who are unvaccinated OR are 6 months out from their second vaccination dose (and have not received a vaccine booster) should quarantine for 5 days followed by an additional 5 days of medical mask use.


  - Individuals who have received vaccine boosters need not quarantine after COVID-19 exposure but should wear a medical mask for 10 days.



It is important to note that these are guidelines recommended by the CDC, not law. Individual states may choose to support the CDC determination, or they may instead impose their own isolation/quarantine measures. In such instances, the state regulations will supersede the CDC guidelines.



You can read the entire Media Statement HERE.



Heather Reynolds, ESQ
CCO - Administrative Officer
FNA Insurance Services, Inc.
516-348-7199 |[email protected]

Michael Bivona
Compliance Paralegal
FNA Insurance Services, Inc.
516-348-7135 |[email protected]