New York City Releases New Model Notice for its Safe and Sick Leave Law
New York City has recently released a model notice for its Safe and Sick Leave Law that provides updated requirements for employers under the law. With the passage of New York State Paid Sick Leave (NYPSL), Safe and Sick Leave requirements had to be altered so that the two laws materially overlap, and employers didn’t become confused over which laws apply. Employers in the city may print and use this form to fulfill their requirements under the law.
1. Employers must post this form in a conspicuous location frequented by employees. A breakroom or other gathering spot is ideal.
2. Employers must deliver a copy of this notice to each new employee upon hire.
Although the form specifically addresses updates to the Safe and Sick Leave Law in the city, it provides language that mirrors NYPSL requirements. As a result, employers outside of the city should become familiar with this form as well. When the model state form is released, it will likely match the city form in most aspects. All employers within New York State should read and understand this form as soon as possible. The form can be found HERE.
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Heather Reynolds, ESQ |
Michael Bivona |