New York State Details COVID Sick Leave Procedure for Health Care Workers

Thursday, July 9, 2020
Michael Bivona
workplace safety

Earlier this year, New York State laid out procedures for employers and employees regarding leave for COVID-19 related conditions. However, these guidelines carved out exceptions for those individuals working in the health care sector. Recently, the state has released guidance regarding COVID-19 leave for these individuals. 


- Any health care employee who returns to work after the end of a mandatory quarantine/isolation order and who is still determined to have COVID-19 must not return to the worksite under any circumstances. The employee is entitled to use New York State COVID-19 Sick Leave (regardless of whether or not the employee has used this leave previously). If the COVID-19 detection test was administered off-site, the employee must submit documentation from a health care provider confirming the COVID-19 diagnosis to be allowed continued use of leave.


- Any employee who continues to test positive for COVID-19 even after the first order of quarantine expires will similarly be entitled to another stretch of New York State COVID-19 Sick Leave.

This cycle will be allowed up to three times. The second and third round of COVID-19 leave must be preceded by documented positive COVID-19 test results. 

You can read the entire document HERE